Game Development
This one-semester elective course is intended as a practical, hands-on guide to help you understand the process of game development.
This course is structured into lessons and Course Activities as follows:
*The first four lessons are about the history of video games, types of early consoles, arcades, personal computers, and platform convergence. *The next four lessons deal with game and player goals, game genres, player motivations, and player demographics.
*The next four lessons provide students an understanding of story and character development, gameplay, game styles, and level design.
*The next four lessons discuss game user interface, game audio, mobile and social gaming, and the different job roles in the video game industry.
*The next three lessons focus on game development phases, the role of management in game production, and various methods used for marketing games.
*The final lesson is about the future of gaming; it discusses existing trends and possible directions in video gaming.